Now that it is clear we’re insane, I need your help. I have refrained from subjecting those I know to social media requests, and that is why I now turn to email to ask, “What are we going to do?” I confess that I am on the verge of losing hope. I seek dialogue with all who wish to respond. A “reply to all” will create a community of concern that I desperately need. I ask forgiveness for intruding into your life in this way, but I do need your help to maintain any semblance of faith I have left. I love you…
Mark, we wish we knew an answer, or any answer. If the Senate would act on the weapons ban it could possibly help some, but as long as Mitch is where he is that probably won't happen. We indeed have reached the point of insanity. We also believe as long as Trump holds the high office we won't be able to accomplish much. Our great hope is that the Dems will be able to change the trajectory. The candidates need to concentrate on the major reason for the continued racism. Trust some of you will have better ideas. Earl & Rhonda
I think looking for solace in virtual communities is part of the problem - it just further insulates all of us. If there’s anything to be learned from the Trump era, it may be that our society is not at its best as millions of angry individuals behind screens. It severs the connections between us, and at its worst, it creates echo chambers of hate that translate to shocking displays of violence. If we want to keep our hope alive, it probably means finding real-life communities where we can connect, listen, and learn to work together. I’m not anti-technology, but I firmly believe that digital connection is a poor substitute for real human interaction.
(And coming from me, you know advocating for in-person interaction means a lot. If there was another way, you know I’d choose it.) 
Words are gone from all of this that has taken place in America. We need leaders in government, that aren't afraid of the NRA and losing their seat in whichever house they are in. Take a stand for people not your ego or money. That might happen in a dream, I've heard. Neal
There's always hope. The people who are concerned like you are the quiet ones going about their lives trying to make things making this country and world a better place. They don't use guns to kill people, they don't cheer "Lock her up" or "Send them back". They were the people that showed up last Nov. and started the process of changing the government. They will also,hopefully ' be the ones showing up in 2020 to remove Trump and more of the regnicans in the House and Senate. And between now and then they will be the ones quietly helping people and getting involved. It is always darkest before the dawn they say so......look towards the hopeful future. The other side wins if we lose hope and/or faith. Keep both alive we can only beat ourselves if we lose hope/faith. Take care and feel to write any time you want. Remember you had an R Senator up for reelection....send him packing. Bob
Hi, Mark...I am on my way to surgery in a little while. I will respond as soon as I am able; meanwhile, I love Bob's response and echo those thoughts. In friendship, Lonnie
I like what Bob said. He makes me feel hopeful. I really try to stay informed, yet practice some censorship. (Like avoiding canned speeches from Trump so I don’t become sick). I have called my congressmen and women, written letters, voted, marched against Deb Fischer, campaigned for my candidates, and attended town hall meetings. It’s even more discouraging to live in Nebraska! Love, Jan
Hi Mark, just checking e-mail from the past few days and saw your e-mail. If you’re referring to the insanity our county is regularly going through with mass shootings, it is sickening. I don’t know what is wrong with these individuals, but clearly it is an epidemic. It seems there are more concerned about where it will happen next, rather than “what we can do to stop it.” I’m not sure what I can do;Let me know if I’m completely off track. Hope you are doing well, Mark. Janice
Hi Mark,I, too, am very interested in doing something about gun control to prevent future incidents like this. I read about how other countries are straight-up outlawing guns -- like Australia -- and that think that's probably the solution here too.I didn't Reply All because I find that I just don't have any time between little ones and work and everything. But maybe we can write to our senators? Dennis
This poem came in right after I read your email.Nancy
Questionnaire by Wendell Berry
How much poison are you willing
to eat for the success of the free
market and global trade? Please
name your preferred poisons.
For the sake of goodness, how much
evil are you willing to do?
Fill in the following blanks
with the names of your favorite
evils and acts of hatred.
What sacrifices are you prepared
to make for culture and civilization?
Please list the monuments, shrines,
and works of art you would
most willingly destroy
In the name of patriotism and
the flag, how much of our beloved
land are you willing to desecrate?
List in the following spaces
the mountains, rivers, towns, farms
you could most readily do without.
State briefly the ideas, ideals, or hopes,
the energy sources, the kinds of security;
for which you would kill a child.
Name, please, the children whom
you would be willing to kill.
"Questionnaire" by Wendell Berry from Leavings. © Counterpoint, 2010. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)
I believe the key to all of this is in your last statement "I love you..."
Please take 45 minutes to view the following video. This is the sermon from our church service yesterday. I know it's a Facebook link, but it's the best available right now. This video should be available directly from the church website in the next couple days.
Pastor Brock is an amazing pastor. His viewpoints seem to hit the nail on the head every time for me and I think this sermon gets directly to the root of the issue we have in our society right now.
Why does everything have to be Republican vs. Democrat, White vs. Black, Male vs. Female, etc, etc? Creating an us vs them mentality is only perpetuating the problem!
We cannot command (or legislate) people to love one another. We can go out and show others that we love them for who they are. The hope is that this is contagious and returns our society to some semblance of normalcy.
I came across another article that has a similar message to what I sent you yesterday. It's almost like someone is sending these to me! Wonder who that could be?
Hello Mark!
Hello Mark!
I’ve not yet sat with your email long enough to have a clear response. For so long, I’ve thought things would be worked out on a platform other than the political one which certainly has its dysfunction and limits. Since the Trump presidency, I’ve felt as much despair as any time. I didn’t know how much division and damage he could do…did not want to know…but am appalled. I find I want to be part of a solution but sure do not know what form that needs to take. I want to believe there is so much Light pouring onto the earth at this time that the darkness has to surface and transform. I also think it is up for each of us to become more Light and Love filled and not just reactive and angry. And that takes work! Know that your email is received with tenderness and love and I look forward to what may unfold in the way of a dialogue group! Loyie/Lois Weber
Be amazed with all that is/All That Is!
Lois Weber, Coaching for Calm
Hello Mark!
Hello Mark!
I hope you don’t mind that Loyie forwarded this to me. However, as such I will respond only to you rather than ‘all’.
I’m far from being qualified to provide a meaningful answer to your questions; however, I am certainly willing to help in way I can.
The only certain way of losing anything is to quit. Perseverance is a must along with thoughtful reviewing and changing the tactics / strategies.
A related thought is about results. My simple formula for results:
Capability x Action = Results
(Anthony Robbins says success in anything is dependent on Massive Determined Action)
Your question however is ‘what are we going to do’? Of course there is not a simple answer to that. Your idea of a group dialogue is a good approach to that.
Some framework to consider:
- Define the problem clearly
- Consider common interests rather than divisive positions
- Analyze the resistance to a solution – is it rational, emotional or relational?
- Consider approaches to the solutions that are individual, socially, and politically
That is all of now. I will appreciate your thoughts.
Dan Weber
In 10 days I get to welcome fifteen 3 and 4-year-olds into my preschool classroom for a new school year. Four of these children speak Kurdish at home, one speaks Spanish and one speaks Russian. One has Down Syndrome and one is hearing impaired. Over the next 10 months I will watch them all become part of our classroom community. They will learn to recognize their similarities and navigate through their differences. They will learn to share, take turns, negotiate with each other for the things they want, and they will become friends. It happens every year! Last year I had two students who couldn't understand a word each other said, but they played together every day. Ridha spoke Arabic and Baywarr answered in English, and they made it work. As part of our preschool curriculum my students will also learn how to manage strong feelings, especially anger, and how to constructively solve their problems once they are calm. And they won't stop practicing these skills once they leave my classroom. There are kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade teachers (and on up) ready to pick up where I leave off.
In 10 days I get to welcome fifteen 3 and 4-year-olds into my preschool classroom for a new school year. Four of these children speak Kurdish at home, one speaks Spanish and one speaks Russian. One has Down Syndrome and one is hearing impaired. Over the next 10 months I will watch them all become part of our classroom community. They will learn to recognize their similarities and navigate through their differences. They will learn to share, take turns, negotiate with each other for the things they want, and they will become friends. It happens every year! Last year I had two students who couldn't understand a word each other said, but they played together every day. Ridha spoke Arabic and Baywarr answered in English, and they made it work. As part of our preschool curriculum my students will also learn how to manage strong feelings, especially anger, and how to constructively solve their problems once they are calm. And they won't stop practicing these skills once they leave my classroom. There are kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade teachers (and on up) ready to pick up where I leave off.
My goal for the next year is to try to balance staying informed without getting sucked too deep into the cess pool of negativity that is cable news and social media. This will be hard for me, but I know I probably won't find any hope there. I think the answer for me is focusing on what's good in the world, like the long lines of people waiting to give blood in El Paso, and the kids in my class who don't care if they don't speak the same language as long as they can build robots together.
Thanks for your email, Mark. It forced me to try and process what happened this weekend and figure out for myself what I'm going to focus on going forward. Jennie
Mark—I have pondered your request for several days now wishing there was a relatively quick way to turn things around and end the madness. I thought surely that Sandy Hook would bring about some much needed gun regulation; and then Las Vegas, and then on and on ad nauseam. Even under the best of circumstances our Congress moves glacially, and thinkin that this bunch will surprise us by doing the right thing… don’t hold your breath. There is hope though, in the form of young voters and getting them to turn out in significant numbers in 2020. There is much at stake for this newest generation, particularly in regard to climate change. Their participation is the best hope we have for changing course. Ted
Mark—I have pondered your request for several days now wishing there was a relatively quick way to turn things around and end the madness. I thought surely that Sandy Hook would bring about some much needed gun regulation; and then Las Vegas, and then on and on ad nauseam. Even under the best of circumstances our Congress moves glacially, and thinkin that this bunch will surprise us by doing the right thing… don’t hold your breath. There is hope though, in the form of young voters and getting them to turn out in significant numbers in 2020. There is much at stake for this newest generation, particularly in regard to climate change. Their participation is the best hope we have for changing course. Ted
Hi Mark, I have wrestled with your invitation to have a dialogue about “America in Crisis”. I don’t feel like I would be able to adequately express my feelings. However, I do want to say to you personally that I am equally concerned with the happenings. I don’t in any way want to simplify the issue but I believe “forgiveness” and “listening”to people with different opinions is a start. Our friends are extremely opinionated. We have friends that are “far” right and friends that are “far” left. It is unbearable to listen to their arguments, but I feel “listening” is a starting point. The trend is to be extremely divisive and totally self righteous. We all should have a big helping of justice, forgiveness, and tolerance. Wow. I said way more than I intended. Hope you and your family are all okay. I love you, Carol
Mark, I know. I’m struggling too. I tell myself that the previous generation fought through dark times (WWII) and prevailed. The unrest of the 60s which I barely remember must have seemed sometimes insurmountable. The vast majority of people in this country just want to live in peace, take care of their families, and live a good life. Those of us who never needed to speak out must now do so. We will prevail too! I’m encouraged by some of the strong Dem candidates running — have you met Amy McGrath? Watch this:
I’m very hopeful we’ll have a full blown impeachment enquiry soon. I’ve said a silent prayer every night for some time now — it goes something like this:
I pray:
That truth will see the light
That justice will be served
That tyranny SHALL NOT stand
And our Democracy will prevail. AMEN
Love you,
Marti and Tim
I wrote a response to your e mail last week, but I fear that it might have gone to Bob, or someone else who posted. It is so discouraging—shameful. As I wrote to you, I call Washington, write letters, demonstrate against Deb Fischer (puppet), attend town hall meetings with Jeff Fortenberry (aka Fartenberry) and volunteer for candidates. The sign on my front door says, “Make America kind again.” I’m sending love to all of the Hanna’s, Jan
Marti and Tim
I wrote a response to your e mail last week, but I fear that it might have gone to Bob, or someone else who posted. It is so discouraging—shameful. As I wrote to you, I call Washington, write letters, demonstrate against Deb Fischer (puppet), attend town hall meetings with Jeff Fortenberry (aka Fartenberry) and volunteer for candidates. The sign on my front door says, “Make America kind again.” I’m sending love to all of the Hanna’s, Jan
Hey Mark,
Good to hear from you. Man, are we in the same place!! Our government (both parties) are failing
Good to hear from you. Man, are we in the same place!! Our government (both parties) are failing
Americans miserably. As I search into every corner of life on earth, it all keeps coming back to me that,
as the Bible says, "the love of money is the root of ALL evil". Over the last few years since retiring, I've
been reading many books and watching many documentaries on government and how corrupt political
influence has metastasized itself into every aspect of our government and our lives. As history has
shown, civilizations without love, compassion and unbiased structure/order ultimately implode and destroy
as the Bible says, "the love of money is the root of ALL evil". Over the last few years since retiring, I've
been reading many books and watching many documentaries on government and how corrupt political
influence has metastasized itself into every aspect of our government and our lives. As history has
shown, civilizations without love, compassion and unbiased structure/order ultimately implode and destroy
Jan's grandsons will turn 13 years old tomorrow and it keeps me up at night wondering what theirs and
Jack and Wesley's life will be like if somebody doesn't do something soon. I know that your ability to travel
is limited, so I'm sure that I could get away for a few days in the next few weeks. Jan's daughter Jody
changed jobs last year and is able to work from home now, so I'm sure she could help me out for a few
days. I miss the days when I could drive 20 minutes and be able to see all of you while we would try to
solve the world's problems. I would love to hear some of your ideas as well, so shoot me back an email
and I'll try and arrange a trip. Hope all is well and tell everyone hello. Gary
Jack and Wesley's life will be like if somebody doesn't do something soon. I know that your ability to travel
is limited, so I'm sure that I could get away for a few days in the next few weeks. Jan's daughter Jody
changed jobs last year and is able to work from home now, so I'm sure she could help me out for a few
days. I miss the days when I could drive 20 minutes and be able to see all of you while we would try to
solve the world's problems. I would love to hear some of your ideas as well, so shoot me back an email
and I'll try and arrange a trip. Hope all is well and tell everyone hello. Gary
Hi Mr. Hanna. :)
I'm sorry I am bad at keeping in touch. The world does seem to be on a decline with
regard to humanity. And I am not a church goer, but I do believe there is a higher power and I want to
believe that, that higher power is more powerful than anything negative. I want to believe that God will not
forsaken us and will have mercy on our souls. You are part of the positive that still exists.
Keep smiling for the sake of all of us. :) xoxo AracelyI'm sorry I am bad at keeping in touch. The world does seem to be on a decline with
regard to humanity. And I am not a church goer, but I do believe there is a higher power and I want to
believe that, that higher power is more powerful than anything negative. I want to believe that God will not
forsaken us and will have mercy on our souls. You are part of the positive that still exists.