Prudence rested her wheels while her owners spent a comfortable night in the Rexburg, Idaho, AmericInn. Fortunately, Prudence thought better of making road kill out of the old man in front of her.

Prudence soaks up the beauty of the Yellowstone River shortly after entering the park from the West Yellowstone entrance.

Hopefully Prudence didn't feel too left out because the path to Yellowstone's Tower Falls was for pedestrians only.

Prudence getting high on the Beartooth Highway.

Prudence about to enter Montana...

...from Wyoming

Prudence was plesantly surprised to meet Rachel and Steve's Honda (they are perhaps too mature to have named their car) in Billings, Montana.

Prudence probably noticed that her passenger load was heavier after a fantastic breakfast at Billings' McCormick Cafe.

Prudence affords shelter from the mosquitoes to Laura (Mark's mom) at Riverfront State Park in Billings.

Prudence scoping out the Yellowstone river.

While Prudence didn't eat much, her masters had to occasionally take advantage of spots such as Salem Park in Spearfish, South Dakota to keep their tanks full.

Prudence spent another night outside while her owners rested comfortably in Valentine, Nebraska's Tradewinds motel.
Obviously, my access to high-speed Internet has been sporadic, but as Mary and I finish a light supper at Panera I'm going to attempt to upload some pictures of our trek to this point. I'll provide the specifics's regarding Prudence's performance later but suffice it to say that it's stellar!
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