Tuesday, June 30, 2009
This One’s For Me
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thank You!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Knock Knock Knockin' on 6k's Door
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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Adam Henry's Got Balls
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Have You Met Adam?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dear Adam Henry,
I’ve decided to dedicate my next few posts to Adam. I apologize for having used the despicable term twice in the preceding paragraph, but it was necessary to establish the context. Adam Henry has grown since I was in law enforcement (1976-1982), and has managed to infiltrate the profession itself—Adam, meet Officer Adam. The really troubling thing, though, to my way of thinking, is how prevalent Adam has become in the general population. Once considered a lowlife, Adam has taken up on Wall Street, in Washington, D.C., and just about every other place that was once considered respectable.
Adam’s family managed to take over the White House from 2000 to 2008, and he didn’t go quietly when his time was up. Adam now has radio and television shows through which s/he propogates on an ever-increasing scale the essence of Adam Henryness. Adam likes guns, SUVs, and buxom ladies while despising niggers, spics, kikes,… One of the great satisfactions I found in law enforcement was being able to subdue Adam, and the great frustration I live with now is having to tolerate and accept it. Granted, in our civil society it is not permitted to call Adam what s/he really is, and given the mandatory low IQ required to be Adam means that yelling “way to go, Adam Henry!” isn’t going to register.
Which is cool, in a way, because I can now spend some time talking about Adam and s/he won’t even know.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, Monday
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Learning to be Human
I consider it mistaken thinking to believe that we have learned all there is to learn about being human. The great irony of the Cosmic Age is that technology is presently the best illustrator of the more we know the less we know. What is happening in Iran right now is being communicated to the world in ways that were not available even a decade ago. Thank God that the Iranians are using whatever means are at their disposal to enable and defend their sacred freedom of expression. How differently recent history might have been had Americans exercised their same sacred freedom on November 4, 2000. The hawks need to sit down, be quiet, and nurse the wounds suffered in their resounding defeat of last November. The progressives need to support President Obama in his efforts to lead the world into what may one day be spoken of as the New Enlightenment. The New Enlightenment of the Cosmic Age. This is today’s lesson, and those who want to disrupt class are invited to leave before they are expelled.
What a strange compulsion to work with words. Language. Thought. I am told that most humans comprehend visually, in words and symbols. Where a word does not exist, the human propensity is to invent one. We have a story to tell, and for some words prove the way. The challenge before us now may be to discern what distinguishes the individual from the whole and vice versa. Protecting personal privacy and liberty while ensuring that all is for the larger good is an incredibly complex paradigm that historically demands to be understood. The voice of God. The Word. Logos. Perhaps we are at that threshold of transcendental Oneness, our dawning realization that every single One is aboard this spaceship Earth as it navigates the Cosmos.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Today I’m Announcing…
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The latest round of reports is citing emissions as a culprit that can be quickly turned around. More to the point, automobile emissions can be drastically reduced—today! Record high gasoline prices not that long ago started people to thinking about better miles per gallon from their vehicle, but that abated as soon as the prices started coming down. The virtue of hybrids is not only their exceptionally high m.p.g. but their ultra low emissions!
We Americans are such a litigious lot that the only solution we can think of sometimes is to make something—like gas-guzzling SUVs—illegal. Surely we’ve been at it long enough to realize that we cannot legislate morality, or even common sense. We are a greedy people, and it is time to effectively utilize that greed to the common good. Therefore, President Obama, I propose that instead of investing billions in auto companies like GM that weren’t smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall, those monies need to be redirected as subsidies for hybrid engines that already save gas and the atmosphere.
Initiate a program whereby the government picks up 50 – 75% of the tab for a new Prius, and watch just how quickly Americans will change their thinking about how stupid it is to drive an Escalade. There won’t be any more spent than is currently going to the bailout of GM and Chrysler (and Ford still needs to be held accountable), and we will reduce gasoline consumption and emissions all at the same time. Cash for clunkers? I think not! Let’s put our money where it’s going to do the most good for everyone! (See Prius Privleges 04/01/08)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dear President Obama:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I’ve Been This Way Before
Monday, June 08, 2009
How Do You Say Zeitgeist?
Friday, June 05, 2009
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Average Visit Length .......... 2:25
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