Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

My heart was unexpectedly warmed yesterday as a coworker offered to assess some of my older cases for me. We had just finished a training session where the discussion turned to backlog. She had none. I had plenty. And with a sincerity and generosity that I have quite frankly not experienced during my eleven years of employment here, Kamara took seven assessments from my cubicle and completed them. In reflecting upon this occurrence I have realized that this is what the Spirit of Christ is all about. It’s the doing unto others as you would have them do unto you made manifest, made real in a world that suffers when such is not the prevailing practice. I have no idea what Kamara’s religion might be, and it really doesn’t matter. Whatever faith generates such generosity of spirit is what counts. For two millennia now, humankind has been celebrating the birth of love into our world. Oh, I know, the love was there before and after, but something about the child that grew into Christhood made it more real, more genuine, more authentic. That’s what the celebration is meant to be about, and if we all try a little harder to show our love for others, we’ll be heartened by the hope that comes from that love being returned.

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