Friday, February 04, 2011

Signing Off

As of yesterday, there have been 9,673 visits to Incite since my first post on January 6, 2006. It's been a good run, but recent readers have more than likely already realized that I've run out of anything to say. Try as I might, I've not incited anything. Until I finally succeed in alienating all of my friends and followers, I'll continue to agitate via Twitter and Facebook. But where my inner self is currently headed no longer seems compatible with public (if you consider eleven visits per day on average to be all that public) disclosure. I retain my faith in a Higher Power, my hope for a better tomorrow, and my belief in the power of love. I thank you for having shared this journey with me thus far, and I will keep my eyes open for other, more appropriate ways to share the good news I've been called to proclaim.

Growing in Christ Sermons

1 comment:

  1. Bill Calm8:38 PM

    Well, as one of the eleven, I'll miss the inspiring introspection. Wherever your inner self is heading sounds both insightful and inciteful. But innerness implies something private, and I sure know about that. I just had dinner with a dear friend who just last month held her sister's hand as she passed away, and she asked me tonight what I truly believe about, you know, what's next. I said that what I know is that I can't know, but I think there's something, and if there's something, it's good, and we'll be together, albeit perhaps as an undifferentiated abstraction, and that whether it's millions of years from now or next week, when it happens it will seem instant. So as you can tell, I need some better Incites. Would you mind posting a link to your Facebook, so that I may Friend you, under either or both (only a fellow radio vet would understand) of my identities?

