Sunday, May 01, 2016


Six weeks to the day after Mary and I wed, I delivered my first sermon: The Frustrated Jesus: A Call for Christian Revolution.  I'm sharing it now as a way of explaining why I am passionately committed to Senator Bernie Sanders' political revolution.

Revolution (as almost everything) means many things.  The various meanings are derived from the context of each, and the similarity between Sanders' and mine is what struck the chord capable of reviving me from dormancy.

Among changes I would make to the original text would be not using the term 'Christian'.  First, I no longer identify as a Christian.  Neither did Jesus.  I agree with Jesus that God is Love, and so today I would call instead for a loving revolution: #Lovelution!

Senator Sanders is the only candidate who speaks of the role of morality in democracy, and it is from that perspective that I hope to make my contribution to the cause.  We the People can choose a different way, a better way, a more loving way.

"Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." --Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


  1. You inspire me. Love you bro.

  2. Virtually everything I know about love, I have learned from Mary. Somehow we realized that we were ready the spend the rest of lives together; so far, so good.

  3. I chose this moment in my life because it was the apogee of my calling. My faith in love was no longer unrequited and I wanted to share that experience with the world. The challenge remains to find the most effective way to communicate the power of love.

  4. I've been asked one question since I started this #Lovelution! Why do I no longer consider myself a Christian? It is because American Christianity today is more accurately identified as Christianism ( I prefer to learn about the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (who had no knowledge of Christianity) so that I might attempt to practice Love in my life.
