Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Christianity = antichrist?

Main Entry: in·cite
Pronunciation: in-'sIt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): in·cit·ed; in·cit·ing
Etymology: Middle French inciter, from Latin incitare, from in- + citare to put in motion -- more at CITE: to move to action : stir up : spur on : urge on- in·cit·ant /-'sI-t&nt/ noun- in·cite·ment /-'sIt-m&nt/ noun- in·cit·er noun

Yesterday, I demonstrated to my own satisfaction that this blog is misnamed. I need to consult my blog gurus (Rachel and Steve) to determine what a more appropriate title might be: comatose?

I have proven that I can write whatever I want with impunity. Bush is the antichrist. Christianity is the antichrist. I am the antichrist. I incite nothing.

Father, forgive me, for I know not what I am doing. Amen.


  1. Maybe a more appropriate title would be "Evolve." Maybe you haven't turned the world on it's head over the course of the last few years, but I think you have prompted people to question their beliefs and maybe make small changes toward becoming the kinds of people they want to be.

    In my opinion, prompting people to evolve is a far greater accomplishment than inciting immediate, short-lived action. And, with this medium, you never know who you've touched. Just because you didn't get a comment saying, "You changed my life," doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.

  2. Thank you for your sage advice and words of encouragement. I really appreciate them. I keep forgetting that not everyone share the same fascinations I do. I am blessed to be your father.
