Friday, March 28, 2008

First Things First

Today’s first order of business is to reiterate my enthusiastic support of Barack Obama, and to praise his remarkable ability to stay above the media-generated fray. I’m beginning to realize that by faithfully following what is increasingly tantamount to commercialized opinion, I unwittingly “disconnect” from the real truth of things.

For example: Barack Obama – Change We Can Believe In

This excellent website provides as much detail as one seeks about what Obama intends to do as the People’s President through implementation of the grassroots power that is gaining strength by the moment. Oh, yes, I’m too hooked on The NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, TIME, GoogleNews, etc, to withdraw cold turkey, but I owe it to what Obama is trying to do to not exclusively inform myself via corporately sponsored sound bytes. From now until the election, I will not allow myself commercial media without equal or more time spent learning more about Obama’s plan-of-action when We the People elect him our president.

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