Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Eighth Day of Lent

"The devil is in the details." We’re hearing this phrase quite a lot these days, and I hope that you find its origins to be as interesting as I do. That it is a variation of “God is in the details” is precisely where I wanted to go with this. So far, I’ve supposed that God is the something that is everything and is therefore who and what I am. Such simplicity really isn’t very satisfying to inquiring minds, the very sort that developed the scientific method which is now being used to probe deeper and deeper into the details of the human mind. The current literature is rife with reports of the results of MRIs and CATscans of the brain and how it functions, but I am going to be so bold as to predict that even when they get to the final synaptic neurons, researchers will be no closer to understanding what a ‘thought’ is than they were before. The metaphysical truth of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts will prevail. No less than Albert Einstein said, "I am not interested in this phenomenon or that phenomenon. I want to know God's thoughts – the rest are mere details."

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