Thursday, April 16, 2009

No We Can’t! Yes We Can!

The older I get, the more I wonder who “they” are. For instance, with a Democrat in the White House and Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress, why are “we” concerned about what “they” think about economic stimulus, gun control, reproductive rights, stem cell research…the list goes on and on. We seem to be in the crisis mode at almost every level these days, and yet “we” continue to defer to the mindsets that created the crises. My own workplace is working its way through a crisis of sorts right now, the fact that we have been rated dead last in the nation with regard to child support enforcement. The plea has been sounded by our top administrator to start thinking outside the box, and yet I doubt that we will make any more progress than in the past because “they” are still telling us how things must be done. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone yet that “they” are obviously wrong. “They” are wrong about gun control in the nation with the highest per capita murder rate in the industrialized world. “They” are wrong about denying women the right to choose. “They” are wrong about placing ideology above reason and science. “They” are wrong about funneling billions of dollars into institutions that greedily abused every precept of common sense known. And in my own little world, “they” are wrong that we must abdicate to and placate “customers” who many times employ the reproductive sensibilities of vermin. Our country, and in turn the world, turned a corner when we elected Barack Obama our President. Now it is time for us to move forward, doing what is right, effecting the change that will benefit everyone, while “they” need to shutup and apologize for being so very, very wrong.

1 comment:

  1. That last sentence was the best one I've read anywhere for a long time :-)
