Friday, October 09, 2009

Americans, Arise!

President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today. I am an incredibly proud American right now. The world is telling us something, and true patriots will prove wise and humble enough to listen. The United States of America had the sympathy and good will of the world following 9/11 but watched it criminally squandered by those who did not care. The world applauds our election of Barack Obama as our President and is expressing that by the most prestigious, honored means possible. Now is not the time to give any mind to the naysayers, because the bitter fruit of which they eat makes them incorrigibly negative. We are at the dawn of the Earth community, and we can be proud that we have shown the world our good will by electing the best person to our highest office. “Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.”


Killing is a fundamental factor in determining the fittest survivors of a process of natural selection. The ability to kill is far more deterministic of survival than is rational thought. The irony here is that reason is the hallmark of intellectual survival. In some way, these two components of human being are in dynamic tension with one another, leading to a logical conclusion that the ultimate survivor will murder intellectually. Look around.


Isn't April Fools Day on 04/01? Limbaugh to judge 2010 Miss America Pageant

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