Friday, January 07, 2011

Gratitude Generates Generosity

Several theologians have posited that the experience of waking up in the morning is akin to resurrection. One way of looking at the new day is that we have once again cheated death. Another (and the one I strive for) is that I am the recipient of a precious gift that brings me yet another day closer to my destiny. I am fortunate to know many generous people, and the thing that I have noticed they all have in common is a sense of profound gratitude for what they have. For as long as I am alive I am the recipient of the greatest gift of all, and I find it difficult with such an understanding to not want to share this blessing with everyone I meet. I may never know why the human propensity to compete so easily succumbs to greed rather than a spirit of outdoing one another doing good. I can only guess that those who aspire to be the mightiest and wealthiest aren't really grateful for anything but their own material gain. I choose to join those who are indescribably thankful for all that they have and who are moved by that gratitude to generously share the gift.

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