Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Deliver Us From Evil

I really can’t remember what got me started on my morality tangent, but in retrospect I’m convinced that it had something to do with George W. Bush. I’m sure that there have been more godless men, but none that ever connived their way into the White House. That Bush has not been impeached—or worse—is so telling on the current state of our nation. While previous generations of Americans would have been outraged and appalled by the neo-conservative fascism that has quietly taken over our government, ours is so obsessed with selfish consumerism that we’re willing to look the other way from almost anything that might threaten what Henri Nouwen referred to as our “spiritual masturbation.” Employing their mastery of deceit, the neo-cons now seem to have the majority believing that Perl, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove and Gonzalez have just drifted off into benign retirement. Didn’t we learn anything from 2000 and 2004? Bush vetoes medical benefits for impoverished children while asking for billions and billions more to line the coffers of the military industrial complex which profits purely from keeping the world at war, and no one calls him on it. If ever there was a time when we needed to pray for deliverance from evil, this is it!

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