Monday, December 03, 2007

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

A common reaction to learning that my birthday is on Christmas is, “Too bad!” I understand the assumption that someone with a December 25 birthday will receive only half as many presents each year because of “doubling up”. But nothing could be further from my actual experience of fifty-nine celebrations (another benefit of being born on the day: I get to count from 0). Christmas comes as close to a universal celebration as Planet Earth has, and I can count on everyone with the exception of the most critically needed service providers having the day off. For crying out loud, even McDonald’s is closed on Christmas! Christmas has its own special music, its own special legends, and its own special appeal that mysteriously and miraculously bridges sectarian and secular. I honestly can’t think of any better day on which to have a birthday. Lest some of my more devout readers jump to the conclusion that I forget that “Jesus is the reason for the season”, I contend that it is more than mere coincidence that the day designated by the Church as Christ’s Mass was long before celebrated as the passing of the winter solstice and the gradual return to longer hours of daylight. In other words, there are any number of good reasons to celebrate this time of year, not the least of which is the dawning of peace on Earth and goodwill toward all upon human consciousness.

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