Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes, We Can!

Today, I have a new understanding of ‘ecstatic’! The surreal nightmare of the last eight years is over, and although there’s a lot of spin right now about color, our country proved yesterday that we really are more concerned with the content of character. To those who “lost” yesterday I extend my condolences because I have been feeling the way you must now feel since 2000. Until now I’ve been reluctant to express it this way, but we are witnesses to an unfolding of messianic proportions. Repentance, forgiveness and redemption are all critical elements of the historic change We the People and Barack Obama initiated yesterday. It goes without saying that Obama’s election to the White House is not the end but the beginning, the Alpha and Omega of prophecy. I feel sorry for my Bible-bound brothers and sisters who cannot appreciate what is going on right now because they are enslaved to preconceived notions of how the end of time yielding to the new age of God’s reign should look and behave. I thank God for those who enlightened me to a progressive theology that affirms the marvelously mysterious ways by which Creation unfolds. We have crossed a threshold as the world watched on, and We the People have proclaimed that our nation really is about justice, compassion, and goodness. Knowing that President-elect Obama is without a pastor and that I am without a parish (except in the Wesleyan sense), I humbly offer myself as one who recognizes the Christ at work in our very midst to shepherd in whatever way I may. “Stronger than the dark, the light; stronger than the wrong, the right.” Even though the “official” observance is three weeks away, it is not too early to lift our prayers of thanksgiving for the way that God truly blesses us. Amen!

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