Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Eve, 2008

I’m quite certain that those who read this blog will be voting tomorrow—if they haven’t already. Mary and I got our early voting taken care of last Friday, a moment that actually left a lump in the throat of this old girly-man. Literally millions of people around the world do not have the opportunity that we Americans have. Yes, I am convinced that the past eight years are the darkest in American history (save the Civil War which only lasted four), and that is due in large part to the stupidity of voters who elected (sort of) and reelected immoral, unethical, and illegal politicians to the White House on down. Republicans are waving their flag of fear just as high as they can this election eve, warning of the perils of a veto-proof Democrat Congress and President. They should know, because that’s exactly the position Republicans had from 2000 to 2006 which they abused to nearly send the whole country down the crapper. I’m all for a multi-party system, but for the present we need an enlightened Democratic majority to try to repair all of the damage done by evil incarnate during the past eight years. These are the thoughts that influenced my choices in the booth. Your thoughts may well (and probably do) differ from mine. But vote, gosh darn it! It’s the best medicine known to this ailing country we love.


  1. I'm right there with you, brother. A little nervous, but I was raised that way. This is a fundamentally momentous juncture and it feels so powerful to be alive for it. I wrote about it on my (admittedly far less insightful than Incite, a favorite source of inspiration) Livejournal page.

    Bill Calm

  2. How great to hear from you, my friend, and to learn that you have a site where I can go to catch up on what's happening in your life. We Arvadans may never live down the shame of Karl Rove, but we can try. Happy voting to you, and thanks again for your comments.

  3. Thanks, Mark! I really have enjoyed and learned from your writing over the years, now as much as ever.

    And here's an embarrassing admission: I didn't realize that Rove was an Arvada product. I'm stunned. And enjoying the hell out of tonight's election coverage. So far. Wish I could be at Grant Park.
