Thursday, August 06, 2009

Whole Again!

Since approximately 6:30 AM last Saturday I’ve been fending for myself. As a nearly sixty-year-old man who’s been married for over thirty-eight of those years, I’m somewhat pleased to be able to announce that I’ve fed, bathed, and clothed myself these past six days without major incident. Thankfully, however, this impromptu exercise in survivalism ends at 5:25 PM today when Mary returns from her time with family and friends in Nebraska. I am not too proud to admit that I’ve been incomplete this past week, and I look forward to becoming whole again as I am reunited with my unarguably better half. I love Mary! And I thank God that she loves me. In her absence I always gain a greater appreciation for all that she is and does, and for no better reason than that, I’m cooking tonight (I’m sure Mary will be happy to decrypt the meaning).


  1. Pizza or Chinese?

  2. Actually, Mark "cooked" a quite elegant meal at the Tuscan Grill in the Town Center Square. His ability to "cook" is limited only by the number of restaurants in any given area :-)
