Monday, November 09, 2009

I Simply Remember

I am so grateful for being employed. I am so grateful for my home and family, and for (more than) enough to eat. Compared to the majority of the rest of the world I live like a king, and I am embarrassed and ashamed when I allow myself to be envious of the monied minority. I really need to exercise my attitude of gratitude because I feel so much better when I do. Eyeing the greener grass on the other side of the fence is demoralizing and draining. I am encouraged to want everything when in fact I want for nothing. I recently viewed a video of Michigan Congressman Mike Roger’s (R) opening statement on health care reform in which he repeatedly states that providing insurance for those who don’t have it punishes those that do. I am grateful for excellent coverage that has seen me through a number of health issues, and so I’m trying to figure out why that should make me feel punished that others want the same kind of coverage. Our king-of-the-hill mentality is unquestionably the work of the antichrist.

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