Thursday, February 11, 2010

I’m Ready

Today’s post is utterly premeditated. I have given it much thought. I am not being flippant or cynical when I say that I’m ready to die. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross would be proud, I hope. I’ve worked my way through the stages that inevitably face each and every mortal. We have no choice in the matter; we are all going to die. The choice each and every one of us has is how we regard our ultimate destiny. My observation is that many, if not most, humans don’t want to die. This must make life a very miserable proposition. I have accepted that I’m going to die, and that is helping to put my life into perspective. I should be careful at this point to clarify that this is not a suicide note, nor am I seeking to end my life before it is time. But that time is unarguably before me, and I have made peace with that.

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