Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sabbath Soliloquy

I wasn’t a big fan of the Beatles at the outset. I’m guessing that I wasn’t the only adolescent male of the day that was more jealous than admiring. There was no question that John, Paul, George and Ringo were a revolutionary new phenomenon on the socio-music scene, but how that translated into mustering up the courage to actually tell Cathy Bodfish that I wanted to hold her hand was confused by the fact that she was obviously more interested in holding the hand of one of the Fab Four. It wasn’t until Mr. John Harris introduced Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band to our high school music theory class that I entered into an ongoing love affair with the greatest musicians of the twentieth-century.

These thoughts are prompted by last night’s viewing of Cirque du Soleil’s newest extravaganza: The Beatles: Love (I suppose I should gratuitously mention that it is now showing at The Mirage). Rachel and Steve very generously gave Mary and me tickets to the performance for our wedding anniversary, knowing how profoundly the Beatles’ music both shaped and described the story of our lives. I found myself wishing that our dear friend, Don, had lived long enough to have joined us, but I also concluded that if such things can be witnessed from the other side he was surely there. I don’t often use the word “perfect” (except for when I’m in one of my uncharacteristically sarcastic moods) but it was the only way to express my feelings at the end of the show.

Peace and love. How ironic that this powerful concept (I’ll say it: the spirit of the Christ!) is so quickly put down as bleeding heart sentimentality. If the true American values are war, violence and destruction, I am not ashamed to proclaim that I no longer desire to be a citizen of the country so obviously possessed by the anti-Christ! Beyond perfect, two other words came to mind as I exited the theatre surrounded by a throng—albeit momentarily—transformed by what we had experienced together: salvific, redemptive! We can build a better future for ourselves, for our children, for the world: all we need is love!

I pass along this link that Dad shared with me. Again, love is the key:

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