I’m working on a case right now where the mother of a twelve-year-old boy is alleging that the biological father is not the man to whom she was married at the time and whose name appears on the birth certificate, but is instead a man about whom she knows nothing but his name. Our office is involved primarily because this woman believes that she is entitled to taxpayers’ money to support her child while the State contends that the actual father should ultimately foot the bill. My educated guess is that hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars will be spent trying to untangle this mess, and in the meantime there’s a kid knocking on the door of adolescence that King George has mandated should not be left behind.
I need the flag-waving conservatives in this country to explain to me how an amendment banning homosexual marriage, how an amendment banning flag burning, how a preemptive attack on a sovereign nation, how any of their diversionary tactics are going to solve the problems of this child and millions like him. Why is the Christian Right not addressing this very real moral corruption instead of mounting hateful campaigns against the speck in their brother’s eye? If they don’t think that these bastard children are a growing menace to the very fabric of our civilization…well, then they’re even more stupid than I thought. It would seem that the time to deal with all the true problems in the world is starting to run short. Let’s make damn sure that we vote conservative in order to maintain the status quo right up to the end.
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