Thursday, May 03, 2007

Attention: Stephen Colbert

I just learned from this week’s TIME that Stephen Colbert teaches Sunday school! How great is that? This proves that there is at least one church somewhere that hasn’t succumbed to fanatical fundamentalism/evangelicalism (I find it important to reiterate yet again that in the early 1980’s American Christian fundamentalists of the Scopes trial ilk co-opted the term evangelical because of the bad press fundamentalism was receiving; learn more from Jim Wallis of Sojourners). I’m trying to imagine what one of Colbert’s classes must be like. Does he parody Jerry Falwell’s hermeneutic as adeptly as he does Bill O’Reilly’s punditry? Colbert has publicly stated that he was raised Roman Catholic, and I am curious to know if he continues in that tradition. So, Stephen, if you’re paying any attention to this citizen of the Colbert Nation, please respond! Tell us why an intelligent, witty celebrity such as yourself finds it worth your while to wax theological.



  2. Thanks for the great link!
