Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Real Axis of Evil

I grow increasingly tired of the deceit and secrecy of the Bush White House. W’s most blatant lie is his profession to be a born-again Christian. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he has simply adopted the already perverse and corrupt interpretation of the Gospel that has evolved over the years. And so I ask the following questions not only of the President, but of all the like-minded fundamentalists that have co-opted the teachings of Jesus just as surely as fanatical Islamists have distorted Mohammed’s.

Given that a literal interpretation of Scripture limits any verbatim quotes to the four New Testament gospels, will you please show me where Jesus says that the way to deal with our enemies is to wage war upon them? Will you please show me where Jesus passes judgment upon infidels? Will you please show me where Jesus endorses imperialism? Will you please show me where Jesus suggests that military might makes right?

You can’t. And what’s worse, you know you can’t. The pretense of being a disciple of the Prince of Peace is nothing more than a political sham that you have shamelessly exploited to your own ends. Dobson, Falwell, Robertson, Bush. They are all of the same ilk that pathologically lies about their faith in the Truth. I doubt that any expose is going to change their ways, but I can pray that We the People might wake up to the treachery and deceit that is being promulgated in the Christ’s name. It’s a shame that W’s Sunday school didn’t have a No Child Left Behind program in place when it might have done him some good.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Now that would be the kind of No Child Left Behind program I'd support :-)

  2. Thank you for your persistence (although it is to be expected from a dutiful spouse :-)
