Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Excited!

I just contributed $30 to Barack Obama’s campaign and I’m going to get a special edition t-shirt. Sweet! For the first time in our lives Mary and I made a standing monthly contribution but this is just icing on the cake. If Obama wasn’t genuinely being supported by the grassroots you know that opponents would have smeared that kind of information all over the place. Therefore, something unique in the history of this country is happening, and happening now! Knowing this is, in my opinion, increasing the odds that Bush et al will attack Iran before the elections in November. Those of us who are intent upon restoring government to We the People are now going to have to be more vigilant than even by seeing that no harm comes to Obama and that the neocons (i.e. American Nazis) are impeached, tried and convicted for the crimes they have already committed before they can commit any more.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I also believe that members of this administration are criminals, and belong in jail . . . Much of this plotting against the American people started in the Reagan administration, which is discussed in this enlightening article:
