Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We the People

Well, what should I blog about today? The fact that I am free to even ask the question should certainly not be taken for granted. For all my fears about what may be America’s future, I still have the right to my point of view (I here caution us to be vigilant in protecting this and all our freedoms). Listening to NPR as I showered before work I heard how, even though the government attempts to control it, the Internet is opening up whole new avenues of expression for the Chinese. The World Wide Web is truly the great equalizer for humankind, and again those of us who benefit should constantly guard against those entities which would seek to limit, control, and censor. There is much truth to the proposition that our democratic form of government is being weakened by the extension of individual constitutional rights to corporations. If Will Rogers believed he witnessed the best government money could buy, I think he would be astounded and alarmed by how much more true that is today. With approximately four months left until the general election I encourage us to be on high alert to detect and thwart any attempts to wrest our government from the people any more than it already has been (although Charles Black says he deeply regrets his comment to Forbes magazine that a pre-election terrorist attack on this country would be a big advantage to McCain’s campaign, what prompted him to say such a thing in the first place?). We the People are at a critical juncture where we stand to use it or lose it. Let’s take our government back and tell the corporations what they can do with it (in the politest of terms, of course).

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