Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Better Man than I

I have much to learn from Barack Obama. Had I been the one to address those pompous bastards of No who have no agenda but to make the rich richer and the poor poorer… But I wasn’t, and Obama once again demonstrated his world-class character by continuing to hold open the door for bipartisan support of We the People. It is clear now that individuals in our country are pitted against corporations, and we can only hope that Obama will prove to be our David against their Goliath. As I listened to his State of the Union address, I could not help but recall those words from the first chapter of the Gospel of John: He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. Yeah, I’ve got the picture of our president right at my desk that exclaims, It’s not a messiah complex if he actually saves the world. I have much to learn from Barack Obama.


  1. Obama's a magical wizard in a room full of illiterate gnomes. Last night he was daring anybody in the room to distinguish themselves like that polyp did last September who yelled out "You lie" during a health care speech. A few came close..there were audible catcalls from the GOP side when he announced that a federal spending freeze would take effect, not immediately like they wanted, but in 2011. He glared down at these numbnuts like they're freshmen on a tour and pointed out, "That's how budgeting works." And he let the assembled US Supreme Court have it right between their baggy eyes for that corporations-are-people-too ruling. He floated above the room, spoke straight to the people, and gave the most inspiring SOTU of my lifetime to date.

  2. Your comments are always welcome, and I thank you for sharing your wit and wisdom. I like your style.

  3. I see it's 3 to 1 that President Obama is a better man than I. No man has a better mother!
