Thursday, May 20, 2010

Learning My Place

The lesson I apparently need to learn in my sixties is acceptance. I’ve been submitting job applications online to Larimer County, Colorado (kudos for their excellent, user-friendly program!) so that Mary and I can hasten our move to Fort Collins. “We are sorry to inform you that your application…is no longer being considered because you did not meet the minimum qualifications for the position.” Or, “We are sorry to inform you that your application…was not accepted by the hiring department because other candidates were better qualified for the position.” That one smarted a bit because I was applying for the same position I currently hold in Clark County. I guess they really did check my references. And as for those minimum qualifications: high school diploma and breathing. Anyway, I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to hire a sick, tired old man. It was announced by my current employer that the Front Desk and Intake functionalities are being merged, something I proposed nearly a year ago that was met with incredulity. Ideas have credence only when they come from superior, not inferior, minds (we’ve already covered that I don’t have covered parking). I think that there are some feed lots around Fort Collins. I’m going to find a refresher course in shoveling shit and then apply.

On a much, much happier note, congratulations to Rachel and Steve on their 4th wedding anniversary. Keep up the good fight, you guys!


  1. To be fair you're probably too old to shovel at competitive market level.

    This will teach you not to try to switch jobs in the middle of historically bad recessions.

  2. Stated like the young whipper snapper you are :-)
