Monday, May 24, 2010

A Perfect Day

As of yesterday, Mary and I have been married for thirty-nine years. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I grew up in a family where marriage was spoken of with sarcasm and ridicule. Now I understand that when a marriage isn’t good that finds expression in any number of ridiculing and demeaning ways. I thank God every day that I’m so blessed as to share life with my very best friend. Yeah, I guess Mary is my BFF. After four decades together we still enjoy each other’s company, have things to talk about, and share in the blessing of having raised our beautiful daughters. I am well aware that this isn’t the way it goes for a lot of people, and for them I am genuinely sorry—sorry that they will never know the joy of two hearts made one by the spirit of love. I know that sounds like a schmaltzy old man talking but, hey! I’m the lucky one who’s been married for the last thirty-nine years.


  1. Marti6:19 PM

    Congratulations, you two! I remember that day 39 years ago (okay, I mostly remember my new yellow dress!) At a mere 20 years, Tim and I think we're finally starting to get the hang of this marriage thing. Glad we have you to show us the way. I'll be sending positive employment thoughts your direction!

  2. Hearty congratulations! Emphasis on heart! Cheryl and I are at 30, and still love to see each other walk in the door. It's a gift to be cherished.
