Monday, May 10, 2010

Speaking of Mothers

My post yesterday was significantly influenced by what I do for a living. Having now been a family support specialist for over 11 years has, I’m quite sure, jaundiced my outlook on the state of the American family. I do hope that there are happier, united families out there than the kind that daily pass across my desk. My second assessment today included a woman who is a custodian for 14 children fathered by 11 different men. While this is an extreme example, I cannot help but imagine that those fourteen kids have some pretty screwed up ideas about the value of human life, including their own. I know it’s all the rage to picket clinics and hold legislation hostage to pro-life ideology, but if these people are really so fired up about the sacredness of life in the womb, why aren’t they out working their butts off for all the unwanted children who have already been born? Hypocrisy just doesn’t seem to work that way. Anway, I don’t think anyone will have to look to far for an opportunity to offer a word or act of encouragement that might just help the recipient better understand and then come to believe that they truly are a child of God.


  1. I'd like add a "!" to my "agree."

  2. Thank you! (If anyone knows how to do that, it's you :-)
