Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hope Quest

I am undertaking a huge personal reformation! I believe that hope ultimately triumphs over despair, but such belief requires an actualizing faith. I am challenging myself to see the face of God in every person I meet, which, I suppose, sounds easy enough until I encounter that a$$&%#e (it really is true, isn’t it, that as long as the first and last letters are correct that our mind fills in the rest?) that just cut me off in my daily commute. The only way of keeping the charge to love my enemy from seeming utterly absurd is to identify my Creator as hers or his, as well, and to grow in my understanding that any attempt to destroy my enemy will ultimately destroy a part of me in the process. Under a number of different labels, I’ve been studying this metaphysical law of attraction for a number of years now, and I may have ripened to a spiritual awareness that informs me that further study is not what is needed, but that living it, practicing it is. I will always be grateful to Dr. Donald Messer for articulating an emphasis upon orthopraxis versus orthodoxy. As I turn my vision in this direction I am realizing that I am going to have to give up much of what I consider important because it attracts my attention away from rather than toward genuine hopefulness. Stay tuned; it ought to be an interesting journey.

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