Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Heart of the Matter

I suppose because nature abhors a vacuum, the absence of trust is quickly filled with suspicion, jealousy and paranoia. One needs look no further than contemporary infotainment to find an almost obsessive inquisitiveness with regard to fidelity, etc. The soap opera worldview is rife with intrigue and infidelity that seems to set the stage for reality to many minds. Yes, when trust is lacking or missing altogether, interpersonal harmony becomes impossible. If it was limited to fantasy this might pose no great problem, but the inability or unwillingness to trust truly serves as the great Satan for humankind. United States currency proclaims “In God We Trust”, but what does that really mean? “I love you” is the prelude to countless sexual encounters, but where is the trust? “Trust me” anymore almost immediately raises the red flag of skepticism. Many of the institutions and organizations which tout “values” quickly reveal the empty hypocrisy of their claims by proving to be untrustworthy. It was the clever name for a television show, but any hope for a better world resides in our honest answer to the question, who do you trust?

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