Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanks for the Job

Our team is having its Thanksgiving potluck today. It reminds me how grateful I need to be for being among the employed. The American culture essentially requires employment, and it seems to be rather unforgiving of those who are not. Oh, I know, there’s the welfare state, etc, but I’ve not seen many of those living high on the hog. For the most part, either you’re employed or you’re not valued as a member of the society.

I’m not as sympathetic toward the unemployed as I probably should be, but I’ve never been out of work. Having never been “too good” or over-qualified for any job has resulted in an eclectic resume that definitely classifies me as a “jack of all trades but master of none.” But my gratitude is focused on there always being a paycheck for my various labors. I know that there are some who are genuinely unemployable, but those who just don’t like to work perhaps deserve their lack of income.


  1. Anonymous4:48 AM


    I sent you a email several days ago about a problem I thought you could help me with. I was just curious if you got it or not. If you got it and can't help me would you please comment back here so I will know.

    Thank You

  2. To the best of my knowledge, I have replied to all requests received.
