I received an e-mail that’s circulating (you may have received it, too) that starts out talking about what happens when someone—in a magnanimously bighearted way—starts to feed the birds that frequent the backyard. It quickly digresses into a slam of illegal immigrants (I’ve provided the links above because in my mind this term is an oxymoron) who are draining the United States of every cherished benefit to which we believe we are entitled. There have been some lively discussions under our roof about the inherent discrimination present in this popular debate, and I have to concede to Mary that for the most part it is Mexicans who are being portrayed as the perpetrators. When reference is made to the 11 or 12 million illegal immigrants who are currently in this country, I confess that the stereotypical Hispanic is what pops up in my mind. There is probably a degree of justification to this perception, but such certainly does not justify vilifying those who seek to earn the compensation that Americans are more than willing to pay them. My argument is that illegal operates as the key word. Whether they are Mexicans, Germans, Irish or Kenyans, I believe that their presence in our country must be documented. If one has not bothered to obtain such documentation, then they need to be deported. Documentation should not necessarily imply ex-officio citizenship, either. It is true that our social services are being strained by the requirement to provide for citizens and aliens alike, and permitting someone to be legally employed should not automatically bestow the privileges of citizenship upon him or her. It’s a tough question any way you look at it. That’s why I’m processing these words while I digest my lunch. The issue is not going to go away, so how are we going to deal with it?
I think we should ask the owners of the businesses - large, and small - who feel that illegal immigrants are the type of workers they need in order to keep more money in their own greedy pockets. Maybe they can think of a solution to the problem.