Monday, January 28, 2008

Let This Be the Last

Last week I sent a You Tube link to everyone on my personal e-mail list concerning the war in Iraq costing approximately $720 million per day. In the past when I have sent such a “mass mailing”, if what it purports is in error, someone usually “snopes” me rather quickly. This leads me to believe—on less than empirical grounds—that there may be some truth to the allegation.

Now, if there really is any truth to the fact that this country is expending roughly $500,000 per minute on Bush’s war, does this in any way account for the economic recession that has gained attention as the most pressing issue on Americans’ minds? Or am I just stupid? Apparently Bush and Congress believe the latter. In the guise of “stimulating” the economy with a $600 per person rebate that is supposed to turn things around, nothing is being said of the financial hemorrhage that is the war in Iraq. Since first expressing my strong opposition to the war I have contended that if $720 million per day was spent on food, clothing, shelter and medicine for the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the other countries that are reacting with terrorism to the United States’ imperialistic occupation, the terrorists would be out of business virtually overnight. I continue to believe that such is true, but such policy would fail to line the greedy pockets of the military industrial complex (if you don’t like Eisenhower’s term, choose one of your own).

Finally, we are to the point of having to endure only one more pathetic State of the Union address from the idiot, but I encourage my readers to pay close attention to how he gets away with it. He assumes that you and I are not smart enough (good grief! not as smart as he is) to put 2 + 2 together and get 4. I for one am sick and tired of his condescending arrogance, and I will gladly watch him burn in the fires of hell when his immoral regime is over…if the M.I.C. doesn’t succeed in reinstating him as emperor for life.

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