Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Bush Who Cried Wolf!

Once upon a time there was a little man named George who very much believed he was the center of the universe. Although George had some friends who shared his belief, there were just as many or more who didn’t. George very much wanted to be in control—of everything—and he set about to devise a plan (ala McCain, a strategy) that would fulfill his wish.

So it was that one day George cried out, “The godless liberals are ruining this country that God intended for us Christians. The godless liberals want abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia more than they want manifest destiny. We need to be afraid of these godless liberals who want nothing more than to destroy our right-wing ideology, and we must defeat their attempt to unconstitutionally grab the reins of our government.” And some of the people believed George and had the Supreme Court appoint him President.

After the horror of September 11, George again saw an opportunity to cry out, “The godless Iraqis are taking over the world, the United States included. They’re going to destroy us unless we ‘bomb them back into the Stone-Age’ first. And some of the people believed George and attacked Iraq; never-minding that George had invented the whole story just to scare the pants off them.

And now, George is crying, “The economy is collapsing, the economy is collapsing! The taxpayers (this is George’s euphemism for United States citizens) must give me a trillion dollars more to bail out my buds (remember Kenny Boy?) in the financial sector from the consequences of their greed.” But lo and behold, the House of Representatives (the Constitution’s euphemism for those elected to represent We the People) stood up to George and said, “No!”

This certainly threw George for a loop, and he can think of nothing more to do than continue to cry that the economy is collapsing. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But we’ll never know the truth by continuing to listen to the Bush who cried wolf!

1 comment:

  1. I think you're only allowed to tell your grandchildren bedtime stories with supervision... :-)
