First, I offer my sincere thanks to the good friend who bothered to comment on yesterday’s post. Some of you more seasoned Incite readers may want to explain to her what a cynical, sarcastic curmudgeon I am. It is delightful, however, to have elicited a response.
To articulate my calling has turned out to be what Dad calls An Endless Search. It would have been nice if my vocation would have disappeared when I left the active ministry, but there’s still that nagging little voice in my mind that asks, why are you here? What is your purpose? What is your reason for being? My humble attempt to answer is this: to incite thought. I am living proof that it doesn’t pay—at least financially—to think, but I am still convinced that thinking is the primary function of human beings. Psychologists have pretty well proved that human thought is developmental in nature, and combined with M. Scott Peck’s postulation of spiritual entropy it becomes clear that we are all called to optimally utilize and enhance this greatest of all gifts.
So, why am I doing this? To make myself think! And if I can incite others to think with me, well then, that’s just icing on the cake.
You are cynical and sarcastic. But on the bright side, you managed to "incite" confusion! So that counts for something, right?