Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another Day in Another Life

Baby John has three siblings, none of whom has the same father. Baby John’s mother is not really sure who his father is, just as she was not sure who the fathers of her other children were until she finagled genetic tests from the “justice” system. Baby John’s alleged father has sired a number of children with different women, some of whom have been successful in “proving” paternity and others who have not. Baby John’s condition is unfortunately not uncommon as he joins thousands of other “bastards” for whom the government reluctantly assumes limited financial responsibility. The organization for which I work touts recovery of taxpayers’ dollars spent on assistance from the non-custodial parents as one of our best reasons for being. The reader might want to stop for a moment to examine their mental image of Baby John’s race, because I can assure the bigoted and the prejudiced that all of God’s children are included in this pathetic scenario. The moral fabric of America is not just unraveling, it’s in tatters as we play the hypocritical game of believing that we are not all in some way part of the problem.

Legal? It’s not by accident that I work for the District Attorney.

Ethical? Like I’ve said before, if it’s legal…

Moral? Outrageously not!

Please take the time to read The Pursuit of Teen Girl Purity by Nancy Gibbs to learn about one of the more interesting ways America is choosing to deal with its moral decline. Rachel, Rebecca, should I have?


  1. No, that's incredibly creepy. And we probably still like each other today because we never had to go to one of those things.

  2. Glad to hear it. Guess I never thought of having to instill purity into an already miraculous life. I love you!
