Poor Baby Jane was born just months after her parents wed, but although she may have been conceived out of wedlock at least her parents were thoughtful enough to make her legally born of the marriage. Baby Jane wasn’t quite a year old when her father divorced her mother, and Dad—quite out of the norm—gained physical custody. Soon after, Dad decided to move out of state. Mom, wanting the visitation granted in the decree of divorce, followed. According to the affidavit, Dad didn’t comply with the ordered visitation schedule and Mom failed to make the child support payments she had been ordered to make. Dad had to work, of course, and so even though Mom was now in the same vicinity he refused to allow her to have time with Baby Jane electing to leave her with his parents instead. Mom and Dad reportedly argued nonstop about why he wouldn’t let her see her child, but when he introduced her to a friend of his they all started living together. Dad and Friend would go to work each day and let Mom take care of Baby Jane. Mom and Friend started getting it on (God only knows if they’ve conceived a child of their own) and this upset Dad to the point that he moved out taking Baby Jane with him. Dad started coming around Mom’s apartment when Friend wasn’t there, and Mom said she consented to having sex with Dad so that he might be more prone to let her see Baby Jane. When Mom realized that this wasn’t going to happen, she cut Dad off, which angered him to the point that he found solace in Girlfriend. Dad, Girlfriend and Baby Jane moved into an apartment of their own, with Girlfriend caring for Baby Jane while Dad was at work. This left Mom and Friend stewing that she wasn’t getting to care for her own daughter. In the meantime, Dad and Girlfriend have decided to move to another state to be near her family and…you guessed it! Baby Jane is getting ready to move yet again (did I mention that she’s a ripe five years old?), and Mom, who feels she’s been slighted all along because she couldn’t afford legal counsel to counteract Dad’s attorney, sprung for an attorney and has filed a motion to change custody of Baby Jane to her.
Legal? Absolutely!
Ethical? Well, if it’s legal…
Moral? Absolutely not!
The next time someone starts spouting off about what a God-fearing, Christian nation this is, ask them about Baby Jane.
This is so sad. And, of course, being an educator, it makes me think of the great numbers of children out there who come from similar backgrounds. To put it mildly, I see red when I hear supposedly concerned citizens blame the schools because children aren't learning. Barack Obama is the only candidate that is consistently speaking out about parental responsibility. The following link also connects to the topic of your post:
Thank you for this most informative link. Teachers, preachers and candle stick makers are all paying a price for the level of genuine immorality we have come to accept. Power to Obama and all those like him who hope for a new and better future!