Last month I revealed what it took to change the ongoing relationship between
Sidney Crane and me. Dad was not available much of the time to converse with me about such issues, and even if he had been his pastoral counsel might not have struck me as what I wanted to hear. Mom’s older brother, Uncle Hud, listened once to my plight and suggested that “if you can’t lick them, join them.” For that particular situation, neither of the elders I consulted offered a practical resolution. I had to come up with my own.
In a peculiar sort of way, however, Uncle Hud’s advice is coming back to me in today’s climate of “anger in America”, and realizing that any hope of “licking” the problem is unrealistic, I have decided to join them in being angry. Naturally, because this is my blog, I get to give it my own personal twist.
I am mad as hell that the Right has discovered that it can lie with impunity. The great irony of Joe Wilson’s outburst was that it was definitely the kettle calling the pot black. Joe Wilson is a liar. Rush Limbaugh is a liar. Glenn Beck is a liar. Bill O’Reilly is a liar. Senator Grassley is a liar. Senator Ensign is a liar. Governor Sanford is a liar. Governor Gibbons is a liar. This could go on ad infinitum, but I think I make my point. I’ve already confessed to my younger proclivity toward chronic lying, and that allows me to certify my accusations on the basis of “it takes one to know one.”
So, dismiss me if you like because I’ve admitted to having once been a liar, but I’m going to get angrier and angrier that liars are now being condoned by government and the media because they’ve managed to shake the stigma that I could not. My reformation involved learning to tell the truth and to accept that as the only legitimate means of gaining the confidence and trust of others. So, yes! I’m mad as hell that prominent people are lying and getting away with it. This should do it for today, and rest assured that I’m going to be angry about something else tomorrow!